Welcome to our new website and blog. It is our hope that this new site will provide a vehicle for more consistent communication between our family and those of you who have prayed for and supported us in the nearly five years of ministry God has given us with Voice for Christ Ministries in Alaska.
Brian thinks this blog is a great idea. Laurie says she’s still on the fence.
Well, there’s still lots to learn for us first time bloggers and this initial setup had to be done over a dial-up connection so it has proven to be slow. So as we say in radio “stay tuned” as hopefully we all learn a little something about this and God will use this to allow us to have some fellowship despite the miles that separate us.
Our thanks goes to Ron Wright with Accentix Corporation in Dayton, Ohio for his help in getting this set up. We appreciate Ron’s generosity in hosting our website these past seven years.