The latest “hot” news around here is the lightening-started wild fires in the Interior. I nearly took a picture yesterday to show how dark it was in mid-afternoon… Though a picture of dark isn’t really very interesting! Our boys turned on the string of “Christmas” lights that are on the deck rail at the radio station. The street lights were also on. Bits of ash were falling from the air. It looked like when the first snow falls before it begins to stick to everything, except that these were brown and a dirty grey color. There seems to be a lot of Spruce needle ash. As of this writing (11:00 pm)over 79,000 acres have burned. Here is a site to check for updates on the Minto Flats Wildfire:
Thank you for praying for safety for all of the fire safety folks, for the residents, and for the ministry and outreach that KIAM Radio can have at this time.

7 Morel Mushrooms