Bo is wearing a cone to keep him from irritating his surgery site after being neutered. This procedure was necessary for him to become more focused on the work of a guide than on the whims of being a male dog.
The training is paying off in interesting tricks for Sim’s fish. One or both can do the Hoop, the Tunnel, play soccer, and Finger feeding. In reality, he doesn’t feed them fingers, but hand caught mosquitos. This is giving me a marketing idea for Alaskan mosquito-y summers…
Nearly everyone’s dog likes to dig a hole for his bone. Cooper is not your average dog. Well, maybe he is. It’s probably Elliot that’s showing some creativity.8+)
The wildfires in the Nenana area continue to grow, we’ve had a few noticeable earthquakes, and Nenana is getting several streets surfaced. I had to use 4-wheel drive yesterday to leave our driveway.