Note: There are NO pictures with this post. This disclaimer is for those who don’t like raw food.
Yesterday we got a moose liver. This was just an average moose
liver, in that it FILLED a Rubbermaid dishpan. Gabrielle removed the outer membrane and Mom sliced it. We could have had liver and onions for at least twenty-five people…even more if some of them didn’t want seconds like my family. We can have liver several more times, so I looked in the cook book for ideas. Liver, Sauteed Liver, Liver cooked in wine, Braised Liver, Liver Creole, Liver Loaf, Liver Luncheon and Breakfast Spread, Liver Dumplings, Liver Patties. We’ll have to think about these choices!
What a big blessing to have this liver and we are blessed by those who worked to make it possible.
Liver and Onions
The latest “hot” news around here is the lightening-started wild fires in the Interior. I nearly took a picture yesterday to show how dark it was in mid-afternoon… Though a picture of dark isn’t really very interesting! Our boys turned on the string of “Christmas” lights that are on the deck rail at the radio station. The street lights were also on. Bits of ash were falling from the air. It looked like when the first snow falls before it begins to stick to everything, except that these were brown and a dirty grey color. There seems to be a lot of Spruce needle ash. As of this writing (11:00 pm)over 79,000 acres have burned. Here is a site to check for updates on the Minto Flats Wildfire:
Thank you for praying for safety for all of the fire safety folks, for the residents, and for the ministry and outreach that KIAM Radio can have at this time.

7 Morel Mushrooms
From the Obedience Class
Sigh! Some of us just can’t help being cute.Here are some pictures of the puppies while at their obedience class.

Is this how it works?

Where is the steering ?

He likes to be tall.
More Puppy Pictures

Cooper April 09
- Cooper ready for mud season
The Pups are growing up

Bo May 09

Cooper May 09
Celebrities (?)
Someone recently made a comment that our website has not been updated for a couple of months. Has it really been THAT long?
I will make a few comments now and hopefully come back here soon to do more updates .
On the first of April Gabrielle and Elliot and their guide dogs-in-training participated in a Health Fair at the school. They gave tips on what to do or not to do when some one has a dog for a guide or helper. Michaela, Simeon and Mom went to the health fair for a school project. Simeon picked up some info about a fun run of 1 mile or 5k. After reading the details, he decided to train for the 5k even though he is still 11 years old. Some of his practice runs were with Brian. There was still snow and ice; and soon it was large puddles, ruts, and ice in the streets. Several times Brian deferred to Gabrielle the chance to run with Simeon. Fast-forward. On May 9, all three of them did the 5k and did fine…with Sim coming in a full 8 minutes faster than the Brian/Gabrielle team. And…. they were featured in a sports page article of the Fairbanks Daily News-Miner on the 12th of May.
That was the same day that we went to Fairbanks for the dog obedience class. Brian is giving Gwen a refresher while Bo and Cooper give Gabrielle and Elliot lessons. (!) M,S, and Laurie went to do shopping for MORE dog food and some people food. Imagine who came to do a feature story on the dog trainer/school during the class. Channel 11 TV from Fairbanks. Sure enough! The three Blairs and Gwen were seen on tv the next day. We haven’t seen it as we do not have any tv reception.
Sweet visit
A very sweet visit has just come to an end as Mom is now on a plane to the “lower 48”.
Laurie’s mom and Laurie’s sister came for a two week visit to Nenana. They had a a peaceful time and we skipped all school lessons to help put together ten jigsaw puzzles that average 1,000 pieces each. Our visitors also experienced their first tries at cross-country skiing with success. They saw the Alaskan Ice Carving in Fairbanks. You can look at the website at We had some very pleasant weather and some just to show the variety of March. The temperatures dipped to -30F and we had wind chill warnings to -55 F. They will find the mild temps of home very welcome.
This wasn’t just a visit for fun… we did put people to work preparing a newsletter for mailing. If you’d like a copy, please just ask.
Flowers in February
Brian, Gabrielle, Elliot, and Karl, and three dogs went to town on Tuesday. Here’s how that happened. Brian’s braille note-taker device got stuck in the “on” position so he needed to send it to Florida for repair. As it is his near -constant companion, he needs it to be as quick of an in-out job as possible. UPS does ship out of Fairbanks…but they don’t come to Nenana to pick up.
Last time I was in town, Elliot went to a certain national chain store to order new glasses. While there, we spied an elevator, thought of the pups needing training with elevators, and asked the manager for permission, which was gladly given.
Karl was in need of supplies for a wiring job at the radio station and needed to go to Fairbanks. Karl drove our truck so I did not go with them.
That’s how Brian had the opportunity to buy roses for me as a huge surprise for Valentine’s Day. What a Sweetie!
New definition of COLD
As we age, we develop new ideas, refine some, drop others. I am going out on a limb to admit what many already know about me. I am getting older. Yes, this thought comes with the beginning of a new year because I usually have to think about what year it is before I can remember how old I am. But with the thought of my age, I am now ready to revise the definition of COLD.
We have been having a cold-snap (notice the lower-case letters) with temperatures like -30 to -40. Well, this morning we have -51 F. This number is more than my age so I am calling it COLD. Whatever happened to the idea of global warming? We need to remember to keep every bit of skin covered as frost-bite happens more quickly. One can be burned by opening a door with a bare hand.
The puppies have fleece booties that fasten with Velcro type straps. They work great to protect from the cold when going out for regular visits. The problem is the time required for four feet to get dressed for a puppy who’s already eager to go out. We’ve had more puppy puddles since the cold-snap began.
One more reason to want the warmer temperatures!
By the way, Brian says he getting accustomed to the colder temperatures.
Not me!
Nenana increased by eight feet
Sure, the title is meant to lure you into reading more!
Nenana has increased by eight feet. These eight feet, quickly followed by four more feet, just ran past me here in my dining room. Let me tell you about the latest 4-H project. On Tuesday, November 25, we met two Guide Dogs of the Desert puppies-in-training at the Fairbanks airport.
Gabrielle is now attempting to raise Bo, a puppy that we hope will be trained, when he is grown, to be a guide for the blind. Bo is a black four month old German Shepard.
Elliot is also puppy-raising, but his pup is Cooper, a male, three month old black Lab.
Sponsors of Guide Dogs of the Desert are given the privilege of naming their puppies. We will likely have them until they are just over a year old when they return to CA for their training. We do not receive any financial benefit from this.
One big reason Brian is involved in Christian radio is because of how God used it in Brian’s salvation and spiritual growth. It is a way to ensure that others can also be blessed in this manner. In a similar way, we are really grateful for the work others did on our behalf before Gwen, Brian’s Seeing Eye Dog, was trained for him. We’re trying to help other blind folks to be blessed with moblilty and greater independance.
Check back later for pictures.